Employer Alert: 2024 Pay Data Reports are due 5/14/2025!We like to keep employers informed regarding workplace deadlines and requirements as they come up throughout the year. California’s pay ...
“Our revels now are ended”: Bidding farewell to COVID-19... Almost five years post COVID-19 pandemic, employers can say goodbye to the Cal/OSHA COVID-19 prevention regulations…for the most part. F...
Cal/OSHA ALERT! EMPLOYERS, POST THOSE WORKPLACE INJURY/... This is a friendly reminder to employers in California to post their 2024 annual summary of work-related injuries and illnesses by Febru...
HOLY SMOKES! THE IMPORTANCE OF PROTECTING AGRICULTURAL E... As the smoke dissipates from the recent tragic Southern California wildfires, this seems an opportune time to remind employers of their ...
IRS Mileage Increases To 70 Cents Per Mile In 2025The Internal Revenue Service recently announced that the reimbursement mileage ratefor automobiles driven for business/employment use wi...
THE NEW H2-A AEWR NUMBERS ARE OUTAs the new year fast approaches, with it comes the annual calculation of the Adverse Effect Wage Rate (AEWR) based on the U.S. Departmen...
ALRB approves agricultural employee unionization regs im... After enactment of last year’s Assembly Bill (AB) 113, designed to reinforce the previous year’s passage of AB 2183, the so-called “card...
CAL/OSHA: EMPLOYER CITED FOR WILLFUL HEAT VIOLATIONSWe have periodically reported on the latest news from the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health (Cal/OSHA), be it inform...
Election Recap: CA Voters Reject Proposal to Up Minimum WageFor the first time in recent memory, voters in California have rejected a bid to increase the minimum wage. Currently, state and Local L...
Successful arbitration can bar additional claims on the ... In a win for employers, the California Court of Appeals in Rodriguez v. Lawrence Equipment, Inc . recently found that issue preclusion p...
National Labor Relations Board bars captive-audience mee... Employers should be aware of the recent news coming out of the National Labor Relations Board for the next time any meeting is held at y...
RLG Promotes Mike Blankinship to PartnerWe are thrilled to announce the promotion of Mike Blankinship to Partner at Rosasco Law Group APC, effective June 2024. Mike Blankinship...